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5 Reasons Window Shutters are Perfect for a Nursery

5 Reasons Window Shutters are Perfect for a Nursery  

If you are expecting a baby, you may feel overwhelmed with putting together the nursery. You want it to be cute and appropriate for your new baby while being a safe space that you know your little one will be secure in. While we can’t help you with the overall theme or colors, we can tell you that Lakeland shutters are the perfect window treatment option.  

Faux wood or vinyl window shutters in the nursery may have never even crossed your mind as an option, but they are actually a perfect choice. Keep reading to learn why. 

1. Easy to Clean 

Keeping your nursey clean and free of dirt and dust is imperative with a new baby. Window treatments such as pillowing curtains can be difficult to clean. With the dust gathering in the creases of the fabric or on top of the valance, it can be hard to truly wipe clean.  

Shutters, on the other hand, are easy to maintain. A simple weekly dusting of the slats and monthly deep cleaning with soap and water will keep these dust and dirt free. Another bonus is that since they can be cleaned with just soap and water, you don’t have to worry about baby breathing in any toxic fumes. 

2. They Keep the Nursey Quieter 

Window shutters are great for helping keep out noise. This is especially nice if you live by a busy street or the nursery backs up to a busy area. Closing the shutters will help reduce the outside noise allowing baby to sleep more peacefully. 

3. Window Shutters Provide Better Privacy 

Since shutters can close completely without gaps like curtains, you and your baby can have complete privacy. This is easily true at night when it’s lighter inside than out. Any little gaps will allow people to see straight in. With shutters sealing tight, you are blocked from peering neighbors or people passing by.  

4. Window Shutters Deter Burglars  

Most, if not all, criminals go for an easy target. Windows that just have curtains are much easier to break into that those with shutters. Shutters offer another layer of defense keeping your new little one safer. 

5. They Can Grow with The Child 

As much as we don’t like it, our kids don’t stay babies forever. Most likely the nursery will serve as their room as they grow up. And, as they grow up their tastes are going to change. A big benefit of window shutters is that they are timeless. This means that no matter how many design themes your child goes through, the shutters will look amazing with all of them. This will save you money in the long run with not having to always change out window treatments.  

Final Thoughts 

While you may have not thought of window shutters in the past for your nursery, you can see there are a lot of benefits that make them the perfect choice. With so many styles and colors available, you will have no problem finding just the right one. 

When people need Lakeland shuttersthere is one place to go: Nature Coast Shutters & Window Treatments. Call them and talk to their experienced staff today about your nursey shutter needs. Let this family-owned business show you how they can take care of your family.   

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