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4 Tips for Keeping Your Home’s White Window Shutters Cleaner

Do you want to brighten up the inside of your home significantly and improve the way that your interior design looks at the same time? You can do it by installing white Clearwater, FL window shutters. Bright white window shutters will reflect sunlight as it enters your home and make your house feel even more bright and airy than it already does. You’ll love the way that white shutters look when they’re brand new. 

One of issues you might run into with white shutters, though, is trying to keep them clean. They can attract dirt, dust, and smudges pretty easily, which will drag down their aesthetic appeal. But fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take to keep your white window shutters clean both now and well into the future. Take a look at them below. 


Avoid touching your white window shutters at all costs. 

You’re obviously going to need to touch your white window shutters to open and close them. But outside of doing that, you should avoid touching them on a regular basis. You should also make don’t touch the shutters! a rule in your home since your spouse, your kids, and your guests could end up leaving being dirt on your shutters if they touch them. It’s best to ask everyone to steer clear of coming into contact with them if they can. 

Dust your shutters with a dry duster regularly. 

If you have a lot of dust floating around in the air in your home, there’s a good chance that some of it is going to land on your white shutters in Clearwater, FL. The good news is that white shutters won’t show how much dust is on them like darker ones will. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t there. So you should still get into the habit of dusting your window shutters with a dry duster to prevent dust from building up on them. 

Use furniture polish, not soap and water, to make your shutters shine. 

Soap and water should never be used to clean white window shutters if they’re made out of wood. The water can seep down into the shutters and do serious damage to them. To get your window shutters to shine, you should opt to use furniture polish instead. It’ll help you wipe away dirt and dust and leave your shutters looking their absolute best. 

Try not to let stains set in. 

If you ever notice a stain on your white window shutters, spring into action and clean them as quickly as you can. A small stain that hasn’t set in can usually be removed right away. But if you let the stain sit for a long time, it’s going to be very difficult for you to get it out. It might even prove to be impossible depending upon what left the stain behind. 

Installing white window shutters in your home is a great idea if you like allowing a lot of light to come in. But you’ll need to care for these window treatments in Clearwater, FL to prevent them from getting dirty. Nature Coast Shutters & Window Treatments can install white shutters for you and show you exactly how to maintain them. Contact us at (813) 613-2327 today to arrange a free consultation or come down to 4910 W Knollwood St., Tampa, FL 33634 to check out our shutter selection.

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